Expense Management

How many times have you come across a bill invoice for a service that you thought was terminated? And the invoice was still being paid…Gartner estimates that on average, 20% of invoices contain billing errors. On one project alone, we saved a client $220,000 per month.

Whether you have one location or thousands, managing billing from various vendors is a big challenge. Let our team of telecom expense experts take on the managing, auditing and consolidating of telecom expenses.

Expense Management Benefits

  • Reduce cost – We audit, monitor and ensure payments are on time
  • Eliminate billing errors and overcharges
  • Insight – Gain critical insight into a site by site basis of your spending. Essential for accurate reporting and expensing on a site by site basis
  • Avoid late fees and penalties for unpaid invoices
  • With accurate cost data, you can accurately determine your ROI on future projects

Our goal for our Expense Management customers are clear. Review your current billing and contracts. Resolve any found issues and insure future expenses and services are correct.

Ask us how our bill management process insures that your billing and services are correct.

The key findings of the 2020 Gartner ‘Market Guide for Telecom Expense Management Services’ include, “Gartner client interactions show that end-user enterprises are looking for TEM providers to take control of more of the communications-related expenses, such as for mobile, wireline and cloud services. Alternatively, they want TEM providers to take on an increasing role in also offering life cycle management services for end user devices.”
Gartner, ‘Market Guide For Telecom Expense Management Services’ Lisa Unden-Farboud, Katja Ruud, Pablo Arriandiaga, Bill Menezes , October 14, 2020